What’s New at JBO?

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Happy Birthday Luis! Believe it or not is Luis’s birthday 😉
Thanks @karenconrodrobertson for my Birthday Donuts 🍩they are delicious 😀😎and being enjoyed by all of us 😋
In honour of your birthday Audrey, I wear this shirt every year that I wore the day you were born😎Happiest of Birthday wishes today, #22🎈😘🎂🎁
Happy day late birthday celebration for the boss, with the cake memories of his childhood a money cake!  Happy Birthday Justin 😎🎈💰🎂
Fun Friday calls for croissants with Gouda and real maple butter directly from Quebec, compliments from one of our awesome customers , TGIF! They were 😋 We will be open Saturday Aug 31, 10 - 3 closed Sunday and Monday! Have a great Labour Day weekend 😎
Today we said goodbye to our summer students, Kassidy and Stella❤️ We will miss you guys dearly! Have the best time at school🕶️